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Qiutong Zhai , Seawitch In Residence 2024

Lighting through, an ocean speaks to rite warm heart between islands. a longitude met, In locale sung with seasons shift :


柔 夏 龍 二 四

第一晚我睡得很沉。漆黑的夜里,海浪声从我双耳间穿过,我不自觉的跟着大海的节奏喘息着,阵阵长长的叹息中参杂着其他咒语一样的话。而每一浪的间隔中,片刻的彻底寂静时,我的呼吸也瞬时的被大海抽走, 传送到一个真空的另一维度。还未来得及确认这身处异世界的感受,睡眠中的意识又随着呼吸, 溶化在了海浪拍打沙滩的一声叹息中。
海巫背后有座废弃俱乐部,五层高的楼被野草横生的杂树林包围着。和老房子一样,一切都原封不动地被遗弃了。餐厅有十二把椅子围成一个环形,半满的酒瓶堆在有用马克笔写了一半的老子格言的纸板下。半脱落的木皮天花板缝中藏着人,随着我踩得地板的吱呀声,几乎是令人感觉不痛快的斯哈地呼着气。 呼出的气没有灰尘的味反而是日本雪松掺着蜜糖的令人沉醉的香气。小人们呼出的小颗粒悬在空中,越被我盯着看越膨胀起来,逐渐大到充满房间,撑的地板在颤。眼前的一切也都扭曲着向我倾斜过来,几乎碰到鼻头那么近,我低下头看到原来一切都架在万丈深渊之中。我被挤得没有地方可走,看着脚下消失的地,只能紧张的大口喘气。充斥所有空间的气泡也夺走了声音传递的空间,呼喊是无声的,心跳也是无声的。余光里,小人们藏在天花板里看热闹。我想也许那也是我的归属。

*Thoughts on: drift, wake, navigation

Contemplating the narratives of our time, of and with ocean and islands - to mend diverse human relationships with living and non-living beings of the ocean through speculative approaches and investigations into posthumanist understandings of time. I seek alternative island and oceanic knowledge in fluidity, nurturing dialectic artistic discussion of navigation and mobility, and stories of isolation and connectivity that blur the boundary of human and non-human timelines. While challenging the anthropocentric view of time, and the capitalist extractivist idea of progress, I ponder the concept of shared time, and an extended concept of residence time, of beings on and across the islands.

Besides flowing and thinking in-betweens: in between oceans, tides, islands, ferries, palm trees, bird songs, and woven baskets, I try to take into consideration the scientific theoretical construct of isolated island ecology, hypothetical islands as literary tropes, and mythical cartography in the context of Indigenous tradition and imperial control; absorbing oceanic nutrients in exploring a speculative understanding of island/ocean and the merging of emotional responses with ecological affects.


images + words : courtesy of the artist (c) Qiutong Zhai 2024

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